Thursday, April 30, 2009

SAP Business Warehouse Topics

SAP Business Warehouse Topics

1. Fundamentals: What is NetWeaver? What is BI? What is SAP BW or Business Information Warehouse? What is SAP R3? Decision support in an Enterprise. Decision support v/s Operational Reporting. OLTP v/s OLAP. Fundamentals about working of SAP R3. Fundamentals aboutworking of SAP BW.

2. Functions of BW: Reporting (Decision Support and Operational), Open Hub (Supply Data to External Applications), Planning (Business Planning and Simulation – BPS). SEM–BPS is now BW-BPS. BW as EDW (Enterprise Data Warehouse).

3. Data Modeling: Data modeling concepts. Concepts behind various Data Models used in OLTP and OLAP. Why different Data Models? MDM v/s ERM. Extended Star Schema used in SAP BW.

4. SAP BW Terminology: Communication Structure in SAP R3, Extract Structure, User Exit, Transfer Structure, Datasource, Source System, PSA, Transfer rules, Communication Structure in BW, Update Rules, Infocube, ODS (Operational Data Store), Infoobject, Master Data(Attributes, Texts and Hierarchies), Characteristics and Key Figures, Infoprovider, Datatarget, Infoprovider v/s Datatarget, Infoarea, Application Components, Administrator Work Bench, Multiprovider, Infoset, Bex Query, Infoset Query, Classic Infoset.

5. Data Flow: How the data flows from Source System in to BW? Data Flow Diagram for SAP R3 OLTP System to SAP BW. Types of Updates – Direct v/s Flexible. How the elements described above are used in Data Flow?

6. Infoobject: How to create Infoobject? Types of Infoobjects. Characteristics and Key Figures, Master Data, Special types (Unit/Currency, Date), Data Structures in Infoobject. How to Load Data in to Infoobject? How is the Infoobject used in Reporting? Global Transfer Routine – How to use Global Transfer Routine? Why it is used. Management of overlapping Master Data fromMultiple Sources. Creating Direct Update Infosources Automatically. Infoobject as Infoprovider.

7. Types of Updates: Additive, Overwrite. Where to maintain update type for Datasource? Which objects use these update types (ODS/Infocube?Master Data)?

8. Infocube: How to create an Infocube? Types of Infocubes (Transactional, Basic, Remote/Virtual), Data Structures in an Infocube. Update types for Infocube. How is the data updated in the Infocube? Virtual Key Figures.

9. ODS Object: How to Create ODS Object? Structure of ODS Object. Updste types in ODS Object. Update Mechanism. Data structures in an ODS Object.

10. Infosource: Creating Infosource, Update and Transfer Rules, Update Routine, Transfer Routine, Start Routine, Start up Routine.

11. AWB – Administrator Work Bench: Functions of AWB – Modeling, Monitoring, Reporting Agent, Transport Connection, Documents, Business Content, Translation, Metadata Repository.

12. Transports: How transports work in BW. How to create Transports? Efficient ways to create Transports in Different Scenarios.

13. Business Content: Standard Business Content in R3 and BW. Transferring Datasources and Application Component Hierarchy in R3. Replication of Datasources. Activation of Business Content. How to Activate Business Content – various Scenarios.

14. Data Extraction Using Flat Files: How to generate Transfer Structure from Communication Structure? Loading Data using Flat File.

15. Data Extraction from SAP R3 – Data Collection: Transaction Processing in SAP R3. Update types in SAP R3. How “Delta” is managed? V3 Control. Direct and Queued Delta. Update Mechanism in SAP R3. Manipulation of Data in SAP R3. Transaction User Exits, LIS User Exits.BW User Exits.

16. Data Extraction from SAP R3 –Application Specific: Infrastructure needed for loading data – Datasource, LO-Cockpit Datasources, CO_PA, FI-SL, FI_Line Item Extraction, LIS Extraction.

17. LO-Cockpit Extraction: Demonstrate each step in data extraction by performing transactions in SAP R3.

18. Data Extraction from SAP R3 – Generic: How to Create Generic Datasource? Delta Management. Generic Delta.

19. Data Extraction from SAP R3 – Maintain Datasource: What is - Direct Access, Delta, Inversion, Selection, Field only…, Hide. How to Maintain Datasource?

20. Data Extraction from SAP R3 – Modifying Data: Manipulation of Transaction Data / Master Data / Texts / Hierarchies. How to program in User Exit? Concept of Project. Function Modules used for Data Manipulation.

21. Modify Datasource: Demo the process of modifying Master Data Source by adding additional field and filling it with Data in BW.

22. Data Extraction from XML Source: XML Integration, Creating Flat File Datasource and generating Myself Datasource. Create and Maintain “Delta Queue” in BW System.

23. DB Connect: Concepts.

24. Data Mart Interface: Extraction within BW System. ODS to ODS, ODS to Infocube and Infocube to Infocube Extraction.

25. Open Hub Services: Infospoke, Create and Schedule Infospoke. BW as Open Hub or Data Hub.

26. Performance Management: How to improve performance of Data Load and Query?
Partitioning. Indexes in Infocubes and ODS’s. Aggregates on Infocubes. Compression.

27. Production Support: Monitoring Jobs, Process Chains, Event Chains, Infopackage Groups, Creating and Triggering Events, Common Problems, How to Fix them.

28. BW Presentation – Queries: Bex Analyzer, Query Designer, Queries in standard Excel Front end, Functions, Formulas, Calculated and Restricted Key Figures, Tabular Display. Query Views. Exception Reporting.

29. Web Interface: Launching Queries in Web Front end. Building simple Web site for launching Queries.

30. Web Application Designer: Web Templates. Creating Web Template with Company Logo. Adding more than one Query in a Web Page.

31. Reporting Agent: Demo - Scheduling a Query with exceptions to run at certain time and send e-mail with the result as attachment.

32. Report to Report Interface: Also known as RRI or Query Jump. Jump from Aggregate to Detailed Query with selections from the Aggregate Query.

Comparing/Limitation of SAP R/3 Reporting Systems

Comparing/Limitation of SAP R/3 Reporting Systems

Comparingof SAP R/3 Reporting Systems
Common feature among R/3 reporting systems is that they all collect data in special data tables. This is a preferred method for operational reporting due to real-time data acquisition from linked SAP modules. Several reporting systems derive data based on update rules.

External data can also be imported in the reporting information structures for consolidated information view.

These information systems use a variety of tools for presentation and analysis such as ABAP, ABAP Query, Report Writer/Painter, and LIS.

All information systems require in-depth R/3 configuration knowledge.

This is the most important reason that reporting requirements must be a part of overall OLTP business workflow-business rules.

Using linked SAP modules requires absolute integration with process configuration teams. The process requirements must be stable, because the workflow determines what data is captured based on a variety of states and conditions defined to meet business operations and analysis requirements.

SAP R/3 is primarily designed for a high transaction rate. Information processing in an OLTP and a data warehouse are very different. A few differentiating characteristics between an OLTP and a data warehouse are listed in Table 2-1. Data warehouses require a very different configuration due to large data volume and unpredictable data navigation schemes. It is impossible to configure an OLTP system as a full-featured data warehouse without having an impact on OLTP operations. Therefore, the nature of reporting on OLTP systems must be limited to support real-time operations and not historical reporting. The next section addresses reporting issues associated with R/3 information systems.

Limitation of SAP R/3 Reporting Systems

One of the hardest tasks in developing a reporting environment in R/3 is selecting one data access and analysis tool that satisfies end-user needs. The following are the major shortfalls of native SAP R/3 reporting:

• Information on existing reports is either missing or unclear. Searching a report among thousands of available reports in R/3 is a big problem. The Report Navigator, developed by SAP's Simplification Group, is a good attempt to solve this problem.

• Available reports are designed to meet operational and transactional information needs. Most reports are predefined, list oriented, and provide very limited OLAP functionality.

• Several reporting modules and associated reporting tools make it hard to select a specific tool. Reporting tools are inconsistent, and designing reports is a complex process. Maintenance of thousands of reports for software upgrades is a huge challenge. Knowledge of how often a report is used is not available, such as which reports are frequently used or ever used. As a consequence, all reports need to be maintained regardless of their usage. Recently, SAP has provided utilities to track report-usage statistics that will help identify which reports are to be upgraded or dropped in a release upgrade or support.

• Fragmented reporting menu access requires extensive end-user training to navigate through
several multi-level menus to display a few reports.

• Performance impact on R/3 OLTP operations due to reporting is another major issue. The R/3 systems are configured to provide high OLTP transaction rates. Building a robust reporting and OLAP environment under an OLTP environment requires different configuration parameters that will degrade OLTP operations. See Table 2-1, which lists the common differences between OLTP and Reporting/OLAP environments.

To overcome OLTP and reporting co-existence problems, several customers have attempted to build a separate R/3 environment dedicated to reporting. I discuss a few such models in the next section. But first, I'd like to look at how SAP planned to re-architect R/3 application components in the early '90s.

Application architects at SAP planned to break down the traditional SAP R/3 very tightly integrated application modules into several loosely coupled applications; these applications would still be connected to each other by use of Application Link Enabling (ALE) technology (ALE is SAP's EDI-like middleware. I discuss ALE in much more detail in the next few sections.). This new distributed application concept became what is known as SAP Business Framework Architecture, as shown in Figure 2-4. Due to the initiative, the SAP Business Framework today looks quite different from when it was proposed in the early 1990s, as shown in Figure 2-4.

However, the core concept behind the SAP Business Framework remains the same-loosely coupled business components. The only difference is that today the integration technologies are becoming Internet-centric, replacing pure ALE and new business components to support business to business (B2B), business to customer (B2C), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and business intelligence, and have taken higher priority than breaking SAP R/3 modules into individual stand-alone applications.

SAP BW Glossary

SAP BW Glossary
An aggregate is a subset of an InfoCube. The objective when using aggregates is to reduce I/O volume. The BW OLAP processor selects an appropriate aggregate during a query run or a navigation step. If no appropriate aggregate exists, the BW OLAP processor retrieves data from the original InfoCube instead.

Aggregate rollup
Aggregate rollup is a procedure to update aggregates with new data loads.

Application component
Application components are used to organize InfoSources. They are similar to the InfoAreas used with InfoCubes. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 32.

An authorization defines what a user can do, and to which SAP objects. For example, a user with an authorization can display and execute, but not change, a query. Authorizations are defined using authorization objects.

Authorization object
An authorization object is used to define user authorizations. It has fields with values to specify authorized activities, such as display and execution, on authorized business objects, such as queries. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 10.

Authorization profile
An authorization profile is made up of multiple authorizations. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 10.

Bitmap index
A bitmap index uses maps of bits to locate records in a table. Bitmap indices are very effective for Boolean operations of the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. When the cardinality of a column is low, a bitmap index size will be small, thereby reducing I/O volume.

Business Content
Business Content is a complete set of BW objects developed by SAP to support the OLAP tasks. It contains roles, workbooks, queries, InfoCubes, key figures, characteristics, update rules, InfoSources, and extractors for SAP R/3, and other mySAP solutions.

BW is a data warehousing solution from SAP.

BW Monitor
BW Monitor displays data loading status and provides assistance in troubleshooting if errors occur.

BW Scheduler
BW Scheduler specifies when to load data. It is based on the same techniques used for scheduling R/3 background jobs.

BW Statistics
BW Statistics is a tool for recording and reporting system activity and performance information.
Change run
Change run is a procedure used to activate characteristic data changes.

Characteristics are descriptions of key figures, such as Customer ID, Material Number, Sales Representative ID, Unit of Measure, and Transaction Date. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 9.

A client is a subset of data in an SAP system. Data shared by all clients is called client-independent data, as compared with client-dependent data. When logging on to an SAP system, a user must specify which client to use. Once in the system, the user has access to both client-dependent data and client-independent data.

Communication structure
The communication structure is the structure underlying the InfoSource.

Compound attribute
A compound attribute differentiates a characteristic to make the characteristic uniquely identifiable. For example, if the same characteristic data from different source systems mean different things, then we can add the compound attribute 0SOURSYSTEM (source system ID) to the characteristic; 0SOURSYSTEM is provided with the Business Content.

Data packet size
For the same amount of data, the data packet size determines how work processes will be used in data loading. The smaller the data packet size, the more work processes needed.

Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse is a dedicated reporting and analysis environment based on the star schema database design technique and requiring special attention to the data ETTL process.

A DataSource is not only a structure in which source system fields are logically grouped together, but also an object that contains ETTL-related information. Four types of DataSources exist:
DataSources for transaction data
DataSources for characteristic attributes
DataSources for characteristic texts
DataSources for characteristic hierarchies
If the source system is R/3, replicating DataSources from a source system will create identical DataSource structures in the BW system. The maximum number of characters allowed for a DataSource's technical name is 32.

Delta update
The Delta update option in the InfoPackage definition requests BW to load only the data that have been accumulated since the last update. Before a delta update occurs, the delta process must be initialized.

Development class
A development class is a group of objects that are logically related.

Display attribute
A display attribute provides supplemental information to a characteristic.

Drill-down is a user navigation step intended to get further detailed information.

ETTL, one of the most challenging tasks in building a data warehouse, is the process of extracting, transforming, transferring, and loading data correctly and quickly.

Free characteristic
A free characteristic is a characteristic in a query used for drill-downs. It is not displayed in the initial result of a query run.

Full update
The Full update option in the InfoPackage definition requests BW to load all data that meet the selection criteria specified via the Select data tab.

Generic data extraction
Generic data extraction is a function in Business Content that allows us to create DataSources based on database views or InfoSet queries. InfoSet is similar to a view but allows outer joins between tables.

Granularity describes the level of detail in a data warehouse. It is determined by business requirements and technology capabilities.

IDoc (Intermediate Document) is used in SAP to transfer data between two systems. It is a specific instance of a data structure called the IDoc Type, whose processing logic is defined in the IDoc Interface.

An index is a technique used to locate needed records in a database table quickly. BW uses two types of indices: B-tree indices for regular database tables and bitmap indices for fact tables and aggregate tables.

InfoAreas are used to organize InfoCubes and InfoObjects. Each InfoCube is assigned to an InfoArea. Through an InfoObject Catalog, each InfoObject is assigned to an InfoArea as well. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30.

An InfoCube is a fact table and its associated dimension tables in the star schema. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30.

InfoCube compression
InfoCube compression is a procedure used to aggregate multiple data loads at the request level.

In BW, key figures and characteristics are collectively called InfoObjects.

InfoObject Catalog
InfoObject Catalogs organize InfoObjects. Two types of InfoObject Catalogs exist: one for characteristics, and one for key figures. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30.

An InfoPackage specifies when and how to load data from a given source system. BW generates a 30-digit code starting with ZPAK as an InfoPackage's technical name.

An InfoSource is a structure in which InfoObjects are logically grouped together. InfoCubes and characteristics interact with InfoSources to get source system data. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 32.

Key figure
Key figures are numeric values or quantities, such as Per Unit Sales Price, Quantity Sold, and Sales Revenue. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 9.

Line item dimension
A line item dimension in a fact table connects directly with the SID table of its sole characteristic.

Logical system
A logical system is the name of a client in an SAP system.

A multi-cube is a union of basic cubes. The multi-cube itself does not contain any data; rather, data reside in the basic cubes. To a user, the multi-cube is similar to a basic cube. When creating a query, the user can select characteristics and key figures from different basic cubes.

Navigational attribute
A navigational attribute indicates a characteristic-to-characteristic relationship between two characteristics. It provides supplemental information about a characteristic and enables navigation from characteristic to characteristic during a query.

Number range
A number range is a range of numbers that resides in application server memory for quick number assignments.

ODS is a BW architectural component located between PSA and InfoCubes that allows BEx reporting. It is not based on the star schema and is used primarily for detail reporting, rather than for dimensional analysis. ODS objects do not aggregate data as InfoCubes do. Instead, data are loaded into an ODS object by inserting new records, updating existing records, or deleting old records, as specified by the 0RECORDMODE value.

Parallel query
A parallel query uses multiple database processes, when available, to execute a query.

A partition is a piece of physical storage for database tables and indices. If the needed data reside in one or a few partitions, then only those partitions will be selected and examined by a SQL statement, thereby significantly reducing I/O volume.

Profile Generator
Profile Generator is a tool used to create authorization profiles.

PSA is a data staging area in BW. It allows us to check data in an intermediate location, before the data are sent to its destinations in BW.

A BW query is a selection of characteristics and key figures for the analysis of the data in an InfoCube. A query refers to only one InfoCube, and its result is presented in a BEx Excel sheet. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30.

Read mode
Read mode for a query determines the size and frequency of data retrievals from database: all data at once, as needed per navigation step, or as needed per hierarchy node.

Reconstruct is a procedure used to restore load requests from PSA.

A request is a data load request from BW Scheduler. Each time that BW Scheduler loads data into an InfoCube, a unique request ID is created in the data packet dimension table of the InfoCube.

RFC (Remote Function Call) is a call to a function module in a system different from the caller's—usually another SAP system on the local network.

In Profile Generator, an authorization profile corresponds to a role. A user assigned to that role also has the corresponding authorization profile. A user can be assigned to multiple roles. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30.

SID (Surrogate-ID) translates a potentially long key for an InfoObject into a short four-byte integer, which saves I/O and memory during OLAP.

Source system
A source system is a protocol that BW uses to find and extract data. When the source system is a non-SAP system, such as a flat file or a third-party tool, the maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 10. When the source system is an SAP system, either R/3 or BW, the technical name matches the logical system name. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 32.

Star schema
A star schema is a technique used in the data warehouse database design to help data retrieval for online analytical processing.

For a SQL statement, many execution plans are possible. The database optimizer generates the most efficient execution plan based on either the heuristic ranking of available execution plans or the cost calculation of available execution plans. Statistics is the information that the cost-based optimizer uses to calculate the cost of available execution plans and select the most appropriate one for execution. BW uses the cost-base optimizer for Oracle databases.

System Administration Assistant
System Administration Assistant is a collection of tools used to monitor and analyze general system operation conditions.
System landscape
The system landscape specifies the role of each system and the paths used in transporting objects among the various systems.
Time-dependent entire hierarchy
A time-dependent entire hierarchy is a time-dependent hierarchy whose nodes and leaves are not time-dependent.
Time-dependent hierarchy structure
A time-dependent hierarchy structure consists of nodes or leaves that are time-dependent, but the hierarchy itself is not time-dependent.
Transfer rule
Transfer rules specify how DataSource fields are mapped to InfoSource InfoObjects.
Transfer structure
A transfer structure maps DataSource fields to InfoSource InfoObjects.

Update rule
An update rule specifies how data will be updated into their targets. The data target can be an InfoCube or an ODS object. If the update rule is applied to data from an InfoSource, the update rule's technical name will match the InfoSource's technical name. If the update rule is applied to data from an ODS object, the update rule's technical name will match the ODS object's technical name prefixed with number 8.

A variable is a query parameter. It gets its value from user input or takes a default value set by the variable creator.

A BW workbook is an Excel file with a BEx query result saved in BDS. BW assigns a 25-digit ID to each workbook. Users need merely name a workbook's title.

Evolution of SAP BW

Evolution of SAP BW
A Quick Look at SAP R/3 Architecture and Technologies
Founded in 1972 in Mannheim, Germany, as Systemanalyse und Programmen-twicklung to produce and market standard software for integrated business solutions, today that company is known as SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing), headquartered in Walldorf, Germany. SAP built packaged applications for mainframe computers, called SAP R/2. As the client/server technologies emerged in the early 1980s, SAP launched a major initiative to engineer powerful three-tiered integrated business applications under one framework. The SAP R/3 product is the outcome of that initiative.

Note Often, people ask what R/2 and R/3 mean. The letter R stands for real-time, and 2 and 3 represent two-tiered and three-tiered architectures, respectively. SAP R/2 is for mainframes only, whereas SAP R/3 is three-tiered implementation using client/server technology for a wide range of platforms-hardware and software. When implementing a Web front-end to an SAP R/3 implementation, the three-tiered architecture becomes multi-tiered depending on how the Web
server is configured against the database server or how the Web server Itself distributes the
transaction and presentation logic.

All SAP R/3 business applications use an active dictionary to store all business rules defined to run business. These business and workflow rules keep information flowing among application modules in a controlled and secured fashion. The "ABAP Workbench" is used to develop business programs using the Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) language. The Basis technology is responsible for managing R/3 infrastructure such as software installation, operations, and administration.

SAP R/3's multi-tiered architecture enables its customers to deploy R/3 with or without an application server. Common three-tiered architecture consists of the following three layers:
• Data Management
• Application Logic
• Presentation
The Data Management layer manages data storage, the Application layer performs business logic, and the Presentation layer presents information to the end user.

Most often, the Data Management and Application Logic layers are implemented on one machine, whereas workstations are used for presentation functions. This two-tiered application model is suited best for small business applications where transaction volumes are low and business logic is simple.

When the number of users or the volume of transactions increases, separate the application logic from database management functions by configuring one or more application servers against a database server. This three-tiered application model for SAP R/3 keeps operations functioning without performance degradation. Often, additional application servers are configured to process batch jobs or other long and intense resource-consuming tasks. This separation of the application server enables system operations staff to fine-tune individual application servers suited for specific data processing tasks.

Evolution of SAP BW

Evolution of SAP BW

A Quick Look at SAP R/3 Architecture and Technologies
Founded in 1972 in Mannheim, Germany, as Systemanalyse und Programmen-twicklung to produce and market standard software for integrated business solutions, today that company is known as SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing), headquartered in Walldorf, Germany. SAP built packaged applications for mainframe computers, called SAP R/2. As the client/server technologies emerged in the early 1980s, SAP launched a major initiative to engineer powerful three-tiered integrated business applications under one framework. The SAP R/3 product is the outcome of that initiative.

Note Often, people ask what R/2 and R/3 mean. The letter R stands for real-time, and 2 and 3 represent two-tiered and three-tiered architectures, respectively. SAP R/2 is for mainframes only, whereas SAP R/3 is three-tiered implementation using client/server technology for a wide range of platforms-hardware and software. When implementing a Web front-end to an SAP R/3 implementation, the three-tiered architecture becomes multi-tiered depending on how the Web server is configured against the database server or how the Web server Itself distributes the transaction and presentation logic.

All SAP R/3 business applications use an active dictionary to store all business rules defined to run business. These business and workflow rules keep information flowing among application modules in a controlled and secured fashion. The "ABAP Workbench" is used to develop business programs using the Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) language. The Basis technology is responsible for managing R/3 infrastructure such as software installation, operations, and administration.

SAP R/3's multi-tiered architecture enables its customers to deploy R/3 with or without an application server. Common three-tiered architecture consists of the following three layers:
• Data Management
• Application Logic
• Presentation

The Data Management layer manages data storage, the Application layer performs business logic, and the Presentation layer presents information to the end user.
Most often, the Data Management and Application Logic layers are implemented on one machine, whereas workstations are used for presentation functions. This two-tiered application model is suited best for small business applications where transaction volumes are low and business logic is simple.
When the number of users or the volume of transactions increases, separate the application logic from database management functions by configuring one or more application servers against a database server. This three-tiered application model for SAP R/3 keeps operations functioning without performance degradation. Often, additional application servers are configured to process batch jobs or other long and intense resource-consuming tasks. This separation of the application server enables system operations staff to fine-tune individual application servers suited for specific data processing tasks.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am giving System landscape means real time prospects

I am giving System landscape means real time prospects(In My abity View)
Hi, Good Moring Viewers…

Functional Specs are requirements of the business user.Technical Specs translate these requirements in a technical fashion.
Let's say Functional Spec says,1. the user should be able to enter the Key date, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Version.
2. The Company variable should be defaulted to USA but then if the user wants to change it, they can check the drop down list and choose other countries.
3. The calculations or formulas for the report will be displayed in precision of one decimal point.
4. The report should return values for 12 months of data depending on the fiscal year that the user enters Or it should display in quarterly values.

Functional specs are also called as Software requirements.
Now from this Techinal Spec follows, to resolve each of the line items listed above.
1. To give the option of key date, Fiscal year and Fiscal Version – certain Info Obejcts should be availble in the system. If available, then should we create any variables for them - so that they are used as user entry variable. To create any varaibles, what is the approch, where do you do it, what is the technical of the objects you'll use, what'll be the technical name of the objects you'll crete as a result of this report
.2. Same explanation goes for the rest. How do you set up the varaible,
3. What changes in properties willu do to get the precision.
4. How will you get the 12 months of data.
What will be the technical and display name of the report, who'll be authorized to run this report, etc are clearly specified in the technical specs Check the link below for ASAP implementation and roadmaps there you can find what you need.
AcceleratedSAP (ASAP) RoadmapsThe ASAP Roadmaps provide you with proven, practical, comprehensive, repeatable, and rich implementation methodologies that enable speedy, focused implementation of SAP Solutions. ASAP Roadmaps cover the most important aspects and phases of a SAP solutions implementation, enhancements, or upgrade following the AcceleratedSAP (ASAP) principles.The roadmaps are available for browsing and offline use on this site and also delivered as standard component of SAP Solution Manager – the implementation and operations platform.ASAP Roadmaps Deliver transparent, proven approach helping the project team to reduceimplementation time, costs and risks throug efficient implementation process.

ASAP Roadmaps Deliver transparent, proven approach helping the project team to reduceimplementation time, costs and risks throug efficient implementation process.

Achieve better results by leveraging the experiences of other successful projectsKnowledge management - use the Implementation Roadmap for SAP Solutions togather knowledge on how to organize and run your implementation projectsAvailability.

ASAP Implementation RoadmapThe ASAP Implementation Roadmap for SAP Solutions provides proven implementation methodology for implementation of mySAP Business Suite (mySAP ERP, mySAP CRM, mySAP SCM, mySAP PLM, mySAP SRM), SAP xApps, SAP NetWeaver and SAP Solutions for Mobile Business. The methodology covers, among other things, the necessary project management, the configuration of business processes, testing and training aspects as well as technical implementation activities.

ASAP Implementation Roadmap for SAP Enterprise Portal The ASAP Implementation Roadmap for Enterprise Portal provides guidance for the implementation teams embarking on implementation project of SAP Enterprise Portal Solution. The roadmap is a subset of the ASAPImplementation Roadmap and covers steps specific for EP implementation. If your project includes other SAP Solutions we recommend to use the full ASAP Implementation Roadmap.

ASAP Implementation Roadmap for SAP Enterprise Portal The ASAP Implementation Roadmap for Enterprise Portal provides guidance for the implementation teams embarking on implementation project of SAP Enterprise Portal Solution. The roadmap is a subset of the ASAP.

Implementation Roadmap and covers steps specific for EP implementation. If your project includes other SAP Solutions we recommend to use the full ASAP Implementation Roadmap.

ASAP Implementation Roadmap for SAP Exchange Infrastructure The ASAP Implementation Roadmap for Exchange Infrastructure provides guidance for the implementation teams embarking on implementation project of SAP Exchange Infrastructure Solution. The roadmap is a subset of the ASAP Implementation Roadmap and covers steps specific for XI implementation. If your project includes other SAP Solutions we recommend to use the full ASAP Implementation Roadmap.

Solution Management RoadmapThe Solution Management Roadmap provides a methodology for the implementation of the technical infrastructure and its operation. The Solution Management Roadmap complements the Implementation Roadmap.

Global Template Roadmap
The Global Template Roadmap describes how to organize and how to run a project in which a corporate template is developed. The Global Template Roadmap is geared to more complex implementation or harmonization projects, typically involving more than one kind of mySAP solution, and a variety of sites, possibly in different countries. The corporate template is rolled out to other sites in a follow-up project.

Upgrade Roadmap
As a central guidance for the entire project team, the Upgrade Roadmap provides SAP latest upgrade methodology to plan and execute an SAP upgrade. It bundles SAP's latest knowledge and best-practices for basic project management, functional and technical aspects to upgrade an entire SAP system landscape.

Target audienceRoadmaps are relevant for the following roles.
Project manager, project sponsor, key stakeholders
Project team members
Provide proven, practical and cost-effective project implementation approach. Flexible, scalable and tailorable to meet Project and Customer needs.
Leverage SAPs vast experience in the implementation, upgrade and operations of its Solutions as well as industry recognized best practices for effective Business Solutions.

Extends across all aspects of the solution life-cycle; from strategic reviews and analysis, to design, implementation, training and post project support.

Is scalable and can be tailored to meet customer and project specific requirements and constraints.Supports different project types (single-site, multi-site, template, prototype, upgrade, evaluation, etc.)

Has been developed over many years to deliver cost-effective and successful implementation and is being continually enriched with content based on the experiences gained in implementing SAP Solutions.

SAP System Landscape Directory

SAP System Landscape Directory

A modern computing environment consists of a number of hardware and software components that depend on each other with regard to installation, software updates, and demands on interfaces. The SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) simplifies the administration of your system landscape.

The SLD is a server application that communicates with a client application by using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The SLD server contains component information, a landscape description, and a name reservation, which are based on the standard Common Information Model (CIM). The CIM standard is a general schema for describing the elements in a system landscape. This standard is independent of any implementation.

The component description provides information about all available SAP software modules. This includes version numbers, current patch level, and dependencies between landscape components. SAP makes this information available to its customers. You can download the current component description from SAP Service Marketplace, which then updates your local component description (see SAP Note 669669). It is also possible to add instances for third-party components to the component description.

The system landscape description represents the exact model of an actual system landscape. Together with the current component description, the system description provides information for various processes (the system administration and implementation, for example).
The example below shows a possible scenario that illustrates how the component and system landscape description functions.

On the left-hand side of the following graphic is the master description for all existing SAP software modules. SAP maintains this information. The local component description on the right-hand side (client side) can be updated in accordance with the master description.
An installed component is registered in the System Landscape Directory. The component description contains information about the installed components. If, for example, a new Support Package is available for this component, SAP publishes this information using the master description. In this way, the customers receive all the latest information relevant for their system landscape promptly.

Architecture and System Landscape (BW-BPS)

There are three basic possibilities for configuring BW and BW-BPS systems.

1. Centralized: BW system and BW-BPS share data, structure and database.
2. Remote: BW-BPS (local) has a remote connection to the BW system (remote).
3. Separate: Separation of BW system functions and BW-BPS functions.
These configuration options do not restrict the functionality or the features of BW-BPS, they simply address different business requirements.

There are three areas which need particular consideration when defining and implementing BW-BPS applications:
· System availability
· Performance
· Patches and upgrades
It is also important to remember that the BW system is also used by non-BW-BPS users. As a result, the following key issues arise:

· Cost-efficiency, legal and security requirements
· Periodic usage of planning tools
· Data redundancies
· Data integration - combining and using plan data and non-BW-BPS data conjointly
· Routine work and work related to patches and upgrades
· Administration work and costs
· System costs
Choosing the right system configuration is very important. It is possible to switch from one configuration to another but this involves a large outlay in terms of time, costs, and administrative efforts.
The most important characteristics of the different system configuration options named above will now be listed.

· The BW system and BW-BPS are on the same server/system; they use the same system landscape (DEV, QA, PROD).
· The data and structures are stored on the same server in the same database.
· BW patches and upgrades are implemented simultaneously for the BW system and for BW-BPS.
· The BW system and BW-BPS are on different servers/systems. BW-BPS (local) has a remote connection to the BW system (remote).
· BW-BPS is configured in the local BW-BPS system.
· Data and structures are stored on the same database.
· BW-BPS only uses the structures of the remote BW system.
· BW-BPS reads and writes data straight from the remote BW system.
· BW patches and upgrades are implemented on the respective servers for the BW system and for BW-BPS and can therefore be implemented independently of each other.
· The BW system and BW-BPS run on different systems that are independent of each other.
· Configuration, structures and data from the BW system and BW-BPS are stored on different (that is their own) servers and databases.
· Users of BW-BPS and the “general” BW systems use different (that is their own) system landscapes (DEV, QA, PROD).
· Data from BW-BPS and the BW system can be loaded to and from each system using BW data marts.
· BW patches and upgrades are implemented on the respective servers for the BW system and for BW-BPS and can therefore be implemented independently of each other.
Advantages and Disadvantages of System Configuration Options
The following table offers an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of these three options:

following table offers an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of these three options:

Data integration
No data redundancy
Ease of system maintenance
Access to planning and reporting
Low costs for system landscape
Separation of BW and BW-BPS
Ease of security setup/maintenance
Reduced release-dependency
Ability to fine-tune

ASAP Methodologies

ASAP Methodologies
ASAP stands for Accelerated SAP. Its purpose is to help design SAP implementation in the most efficient manner possible. Its goal is to effectively optimize time, people, quality and other resources, using a proven methodology to implementation.ASAP focuses on tools and training, wrapped up in a five-phase process oriented road map for guiding implementation.The road map is composed of five well-known consecutive phases:
• Phase 1 Project Preparation
• Phase 2 Business Blueprint
• Phase 3 Realization
• Phase 4 Final Preparation
• Phase 5 Go-Live and supportIn today's post we will discuss the first phase.

Phase 1 : Project PreparationPhase
1 initiates with a retrieval of information and resources. It is an important time to assemble the necessary components for the implementation. Some important milestones that need to be accomplished for phase 1 include
• Obtaining senior-level management/stakeholder support
• identifying clear project objectives
• architect an efficient decision-making process
• creating an environment suitable for change and re-engineering
• building a qualified and capable project team.

Senior level management support:
One of the most important milestones with phase 1 of ASAP is the full agreement and cooperation of the important company decision-makers - key stake holders and others. Their backing and support is crucial for a successful implementation.

Clear project objectives:
be concise in defining what your objectives and expectations are for this venture. Vague or unclear notions of what you hope to obtain with SAP will handicap the implementation process. Also make sure that your expectations are reasonable considering your company's resources. It is essential to have clearly defined ideas, goals and project plans devised before moving forward.

An efficient decision making process:
One obstacle that often stalls implementation is a poorly constructed decision-making process. Before embarking on this venture, individuals need to be clearly identified. Decide now who is responsible for different decisions along the way. From day one, the implementation decision makers and project leaders from each area must be aware of the onus placed on them to return good decisions quickly.

Environment suitable for change and re engineering: Your team must be willing to accept that, along with new SAP software, things are going to change, the business will change, and information technology enabling the business will change as well. By implementing SAP, you will essentially redesign your current practices to model more efficient or predefined best business practices as espoused by SAP. Resistance to this change will impede the progress of your implementation.

ASAP- Second Phase- Business Blueprint
SAP has defined a business blueprint phase to help extract pertinent information about your company that is necessary for implementation. These blueprints are in the form of questionnaires that are designed to probe for information that uncovers how your company does business. As such, they also serve to document the implementation. Each business blueprint document essentially outlines your future business processes and business requirements. The kinds of questions asked are germane to the particular business function, as seen in the following sample questions:

1) What information do you capture on a purchase order?
2) What information is required to complete a purchase order?
Accelerated SAP question and answer database:
The question and answer database (QADB) is a simple although aging tool designed to facilitate the creation and maintenance of your business blueprint. This database stores the questions and the answers and serves as the heart of your blue print. Customers are provided with a customer input template for each application that collects the data. The question and answer format is standard across applications to facilitate easier use by the project team.
Issues database:
Another tool used in the blueprinting phase is the issues database. This database stores any open concerns and pending issues that relate to the implementation. Centrally storing this information assists in gathering and then managing issues to resolution, so that important matters do not fall through the cracks. You can then track the issues in database, assign them to team members, and update the database accordingly.

ASAP Phase- 3 - Realization:
With the completion of the business in phase 2, "functional" experts are now ready to begin configuring SAP. The Realization phase is broken in to two parts.
1) Your SAP consulting team helps you configure your baseline system, called the baseline configuration.
2) Your implementation project team fine-tunes that system to meet all your business and process requirements as part of the fine tuning configuration.

The initial configuration completed during the base line configuration is based on the information that you provided in your blueprint document. The remaining approximately 20% of your configuration that was not tackled during the baseline configuration is completed during the fine tuning configuration. Fine tuning usually deals with the exceptions that are not covered in baseline configuration. This final bit of tweaking represents the work necessary to fit your special needs.

Configuration Testing:
With the help of your SAP consulting team, you segregate your business processes into cycles of related business flows. The cycles serve as independent units that enable you to test specific parts of the business process. You can also work through configuring the SAP implementation guide (IMG). A tool used to assist you in configuring your SAP system in a step by step manner.

Knowledge Transfer:
As the configuration phase comes to a close, it becomes necessary for the Project team to be self-sufficient in their knowledge of the configuration of your SAP system. Knowledge transfer to the configuration team tasked with system maintenance (that is, maintenance of the business processes after Go-live) needs to be completed at this time.In addition, the end users tasked with actually using the system for day-to-day business purposes must be trained.

ASAP Methodology - Phase 4 - Final Preparation:
As phase 3 merges into phase 4, you should find yourselves not only in the midst of SAP training, but also in the midst of rigorous functional and stress testing. Phase 4 also concentrates on the fine tuning of your configuration before Go-live and more importantly, the migration of data from your old system or systems to SAP.
Workload testing (including peak volume, daily load, and other forms of stress testing), and integration or functional testing are conducted to ensure the accuracy of your data and the stability of your SAP system. Because you should have begun testing back in phase 2, you do not have too far to go until Go-live. Now is an important time to perform preventative maintenance checks to ensure optimal performance at your SAP system.At the conclusion of phase 4, take time to plan and document a Go-live strategy. Preparation for Go-live means preparing for your end-users questions as they start actively working on the new SAP system.

ASAP - Phase 5 - Go-live and Support:
The Go-live milestone is itself is easy to achieve; a smooth and uneventful Go-live is another matter altogether. Preparation is the key, including attention to what-if scenarios related not only to the individual business processes deployed but also to the functioning of technology underpinning these business processes and preparation for ongoing support, including maintenance contracts and documented processes and procedures are essential.

ASAP Methodologies SAP

ASAP Methodologies
ASAP stands for Accelerated SAP. Its purpose is to help design SAP implementation in the most efficient manner possible. Its goal is to effectively optimize time, people, quality and other resources, using a proven methodology to implementation.ASAP focuses on tools and training, wrapped up in a five-phase process oriented road map for guiding implementation.The road map is composed of five well-known consecutive phases:•

Phase 1 Project Preparation
Phase 2 Business Blueprint
Phase 3 Realization
Phase 4 Final Preparation
Phase 5 Go-Live and support

In today's post we will discuss the first phase.

Phase 1 : Project PreparationPhase 1 initiates with a retrieval of information and resources. It is an important time to assemble the necessary components for the implementation. Some important milestones that need to be accomplished for phase 1 include

• Obtaining senior-level management/stakeholder support
• identifying clear project objectives
• architect an efficient decision-making process
• creating an environment suitable for change and re-engineering
• building a qualified and capable project team.

Senior level management support:One of the most important milestones with phase 1 of ASAP is the full agreement and cooperation of the important company decision-makers - key stake holders and others. Their backing and support is crucial for a successful implementation.Clear project objectives:be concise in defining what your objectives and expectations are for this venture. Vague or unclear notions of what you hope to obtain with SAP will handicap the implementation process. Also make sure that your expectations are reasonable considering your company's resources. It is essential to have clearly defined ideas, goals and project plans devised before moving forward.An efficient decision making process:One obstacle that often stalls implementation is a poorly constructed decision-making process. Before embarking on this venture, individuals need to be clearly identified. Decide now who is responsible for different decisions along the way. From day one, the implementation decision makers and project leaders from each area must be aware of the onus placed on them to return good decisions quickly.

Environment suitable for change and re engineering: Your team must be willing to accept that, along with new SAP software, things are going to change, the business will change, and information technology enabling the business will change as well. By implementing SAP, you will essentially redesign your current practices to model more efficient or predefined best business practices as espoused by SAP. Resistance to this change will impede the progress of your implementation.

ASAP- Second Phase- Business Blueprint

SAP has defined a business blueprint phase to help extract pertinent information about your company that is necessary for implementation. These blueprints are in the form of questionnaires that are designed to probe for information that uncovers how your company does business. As such, they also serve to document the implementation. Each business blueprint document essentially outlines your future business processes and business requirements. The kinds of questions asked are germane to the particular business function, as seen in the following sample questions:

1) What information do you capture on a purchase order?
2) What information is required to complete a purchase order?
Accelerated SAP question and answer database:

The question and answer database (QADB) is a simple although aging tool designed to facilitate the creation and maintenance of your business blueprint. This database stores the questions and the answers and serves as the heart of your blue print. Customers are provided with a customer input template for each application that collects the data. The question and answer format is standard across applications to facilitate easier use by the project team.

Issues database:Another tool used in the blueprinting phase is the issues database. This database stores any open concerns and pending issues that relate to the implementation. Centrally storing this information assists in gathering and then managing issues to resolution, so that important matters do not fall through the cracks. You can then track the issues in database, assign them to team members, and update the database accordingly.

ASAP Phase- 3 - Realization:

With the completion of the business in phase 2, "functional" experts are now ready to begin configuring SAP. The Realization phase is broken in to two parts.

1) Your SAP consulting team helps you configure your baseline system, called the baseline configuration.
2) Your implementation project team fine-tunes that system to meet all your business and process requirements as part of the fine tuning configuration.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What are the Business content Cubes, ODS and some other objects in SD,MM, FI-Co modules we use regularly in implementation.

I can give the process fllow of different modules!

SD Flow
You create a sales document to enter information about different sales transactions. R/3 provides a number of predefined sales document types. However , these can be customized to suit your company's needs when R/3 is installed.
Some examples of sales documents include:
• sales queries
• sales orders
• outline agreements
• complaints
You use sales queries to enter information about potential sales into R/3.Types of sales query documents include:
• inquiries
• quotations
• free-of-charge deliveries
An inquiry is used to record any general queries a customer may have about goods or services they
are thinking of buying from your company. An inquiry is one of the first possible documents you can
create in the customer order management cycle. An example of the type of information contained in an inquiry is whether your company stocks a certain product line. Along with entering general customer queries, you can use inquiries to record the goods or services that a customer is interested in. And you can enter descriptions of goods or services that your company should research in order to answer customer queries. You can carry out automatic pricing for any goods or services you enter in an inquiry. This will enter the price of goods or services into the inquiry for you. You can also check whether any goods you entered in the inquiry are available in your company's warehouse. The order probability function enables you to determine the likelihood that a customer will buy from you. To increase the probability of a sale, you can offer the customer alternative goods and services.
Quotations are sales query documents that you create when a customer requests specific information
about a product. For example, you can use a quotation if a customer makes a query regarding how much goods or services cost or you can use a query if a customer asks when goods will be available for shipping.
You can create quotations from scratch or you can create them by copying inquiries. If a customer is
interested in the products or services after they have made an inquiry, you can provide a quotation based on the original inquiry. R/3 allows you to copy the information directly from an inquiry to a quotation.
Let's say an inquiry was created when a customer inquired whether your company, could manufacture
twenty motorcycles. Assume a quotation was created by copying this inquiry when the customer called
back to inquire how much twenty motorcycles would cost. You can use quotations to enter information and descriptions for goods and services that are to be researched. You can also use them to carry out automatic pricing and to check goods availability. You can use quotations to calculate the probability that a customer will buy the goods or services entered on a quotation. This function is called order probability. You can also use quotations to enter details about alternative goods or services. These are goods or services that a customer did not inquire about but that you think they will consider purchasing. Once you have created a quotation for a query in R/3, you send the quotation to the customer who made the query. The quotation represents a binding offer made to the customer that includes quantity and cost details.
You create a free of charge delivery when you send free samples of any goods that your company
produces to customers. These contain information about the goods that are delivered but they don't
include the corresponding pricing information for them.
Let's look at the sales orders that exist in R/3.You create a sales order when a customer has ordered
goods or services from your company. They are a part of the customer order management cycle.
You can carry out automatic pricing in sales orders to enter the price of goods or services.
R/3 will also run a credit check on the customer to see if they will be exceeding their credit limit.
You can also check whether ordered goods will be available in your company's warehouse for delivery.
Examples of types of sales order include
• standard orders
• consignment orders
• cash orders
• rush orders
You create standard orders for goods and services that will be delivered or rendered according to
the standard R/3 sales cycle. This means that goods are ordered, picked from the warehouse, and
then shipped before customers are billed for them. Likewise, services are rendered before customers
are billed for them.
Your company may store its goods in its customers' warehouses. You create a consignment order when a customer is ready to retrieve stock from the warehouse.
SAP can propose the most suitable stock to retrieve, including third-party stock.
A consigment order is like a standard sales order for goods but it doesn't have any delivery
You create cash orders and rush orders for the sale of goods only.
You create a cash order when a customer picks up and pays for a delivery as soon
as it is ordered. And you create a rush order when the customer picks up the goods on the
same day as the order is placed. In this case, the invoice is created later.
You can arrange to deliver goods or render services in installments. To do this, you create an
outline agreement. Examples of some types of outline agreement include :
• quantity and value contracts
• master contracts
• scheduling agreements
• service contracts
You create a quantity contract if a customer has agreed to order a certain quantity of goods from your company during a specified period.
And you create a value contract if a customer has agreed to order goods of a certain cumulative value from your company during a specified period.
Quantity and value contracts do not include delivery dates, so releases are made using a sales order.
You can unite multiple contracts in a single master contract.
Let's say you create a quantity contract because a customer has agreed to order 500 engines in the first six months of the current year. If the customer orders 100 of these engines in January, you create a sales order called a release order.You refer to a quantity contract in a release order. So you refer to the quantity contract created for the 500 engines in each release order created for these engines. R/3 will then update the quantity contract automatically so it contains the correct number of remaining engines to be ordered.
Scheduling agreements specify the installments in which goods will be delivered to a customer. They include the quantity of a product that will be delivered in each installment. And they include the delivery date of each installment. You process a delivery for each installment contained in the scheduling agreement in the same way that you process a delivery for a regular sales order.No sales documents, such as release orders, are created before the products included on a scheduling agreement are processed for delivery.
You create a service contract if a customer requests a service over a particular period of time. For example, you could create a service contract if a customer ordered five one-hour maintenance checks from your company's motorcycle repair department.
You create complaint sales documents if there has been a fault with any goods that have been delivered, or with any services rendered, by your company.
For example, you create complaint sales documents if customers have been billed
incorrectly for an item or service, or if goods are faulty.
Different types of complaint sales document include
• returns
• credit memo requests
• debit memo requests
You create a returns document if a customer returns goods they have purchased from you because they are not satisfied with them. You can create returns from scratch or you can create them by copying the sales order that was originally created for the returned delivery.
A returns document records that you expect stock to be returned to your warehouse.
You can create one or more credit memo requests if a customer has been overcharged for a quantity of goods or services. You can also create a credit memo request if goods were damaged during transit and you want to credit the customer for the goods damaged.
When you create a credit memo request, your Accounting department reviews it to confirm that it can be justified. If the credit memo request is approved, the Accounting department creates a credit memo based on the request. You can create credit memo requests by copying other sales documents such as the sales order where the overcharge occurred.
You create debit memo requests when customers have been undercharged for products or services. Your company’s Accounting department can then create an invoice to bill the undercharged customer.
This document is adopted from Smart Force Campus Course Material
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MM Flow

PR >Release the PR>RFQ>Quotation>Quotation Comparison>PO>Release the PO>GR>Invoice Verification
MM Process flow:
Process Flow
The typical procurement cycle for a service or material consists of the following phases:
1. Determination of Requirements
Materials requirements are identified either in the user departments or via materials planning and control. (This can cover both MRP proper and the demand-based approach to inventory control. The regular checking of stock levels of materials defined by master records, use of the order-point method, and forecasting on the basis of past usage are important aspects of the latter.) You can enter purchase requisitions yourself, or they can be generated automatically by the materials planning and control system.
2. Source Determination
The Purchasing component helps you identify potential sources of supply based on past orders and existing longer-term purchase agreements. This speeds the process of creating requests for quotation (RFQs), which can be sent to vendors electronically via SAP EDI, if desired.
3. Vendor Selection and Comparison of Quotations
The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios, allowing you to compare a number of different quotations. Rejection letters can be sent automatically.
4. Purchase Order Processing
The Purchasing system adopts information from the requisition and the quotation to help you create a purchase order. As with purchase requisitions, you can generate Pos yourself or have the system generate them automatically. Vendor scheduling agreements and contracts (in the SAP System, types of longer-term purchase agreement) are also supported.
5. Purchase Order Follow-Up
The system checks the reminder periods you have specified and - if necessary - automatically prints reminders or expediters at the predefined intervals. It also provides you with an up-to-date status of all purchase requisitions, quotations, and purchase orders.
6. Goods Receiving and Inventory Management
Goods Receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the Po number. By specifying permissible tolerances, buyers can limit over- and under deliveries of ordered goods.
7. Invoice Verification
The system supports the checking and matching of invoices. The accounts payable clerk is notified of quantity and price variances because the system has access to PO and goods receipt data. This speeds the process of auditing and clearing invoices for payment.

Pur info record is nothing but a master data like thing which will be maintained for different materials to determine the prices etc.It Specifies the number that uniquely identifies a record.
For Example: an info record is based on Plant Vendor and Material Based on these three the Material Prices will be calculated for different combinations different values are taken into consideration.
During pricing it brings these values automatically based on this info record.
Use ME11 Tcode to create this record.

Common Tables used by SAP MM
Below are few important Common Tables used in Materials Management Modules:
EINA Purchasing Info Record- General Data
EINE Purchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data
MAKT Material Descriptions
MARA General Material Data
MARC Plant Data for Material
MARD Storage Location Data for Material
MAST Material to BOM Link
MBEW Material Valuation
MKPF Header- Material Document
MSEG Document Segment- Material
MVER Material Consumption
MVKE Sales Data for materials
RKPF Document Header- Reservation
T023 Mat. groups
T024 Purchasing Groups
T156 Movement Type
T157H Help Texts for Movement Types
MOFF Lists what views have not been created
A501 Plant/Material
EBAN Purchase Requisition
EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
EKAB Release Documentation
EKBE History per Purchasing Document
EKET Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKO Purchasing Document Header
EKPO Purchasing Document Item
IKPF Header- Physical Inventory Document
ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items
LFA1 Vendor Master (General section)
LFB1 Vendor Master (Company Code)
NRIV Number range intervals
RESB Reservation/ dependent requirements
T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types


RFQ to Vendor - ME41
Raising Quotation - ME47
Comparison of Price - ME49
Creation of PO - ME21N
Goods Receipt - MIGO
Invoice (Bill PAssing) - MIRO
Goods Issue - MB1A
Physical Inventory - MI01( Create doc)
MI04 (Enter Count)
MI07 (Post)
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The FI module has 8 sub modules:
FI-GL: General Ledger Accounting
FI-LC: Consolidation
FI-AP : Accounts Payable
FI-AR : Accounts Receivable
FI-BL : Bank Accounting
FI-AA :Asset Accounting
FI-SL : Special Purpose Ledger
FI-FM : Funds Management
CO Controlling
represents the company's flow of cost and revenue. It is a management instrument for organizational decisions. It too is automatically updated as events occur.
The CO module has following sub modules:
CO-OM : Overhead Costing (Cost Centers, Activity Based Costing, Internal Order Costing)
CO-PA : Profitability Analysis
CO-PC : Product Cost Controlling

About The Information Broadcasting in SAP NetWeaver 2004s

Information Broadcasting in SAP NetWeaver 2004s
The goal of information broadcasting is to distribute the right information, in the appropriate format, to the right people, through different channels, at the right time. With SAP BW 3.5 in SAP NetWeaver 2004, we saw the first information broadcasting capabilities delivered with the Business Explorer (BEx) tools in conjunction with the knowledge management capabilities of the SAP NetWeaver Portal. With the BEx Broadcaster in SAP NetWeaver 2004s, you have new types of objects that you can broadcast, new distribution types, and new output options that combine to better meet this goal.
The Right Information - New Object Types
You can now broadcast BEx query views and formatted reports (“reports”) in addition to Web applications, queries and workbooks. Reports are a new BEx object type developed within the new BEx Report Designer tool.
The Appropriate Format – New Output Formats
New output formats have also been added. As these output formats are based on the distribution type, I’ll discuss most of them in the next section about new distribution types. One important enhancement to the Broadcast Email and Broadcast to the Portal distribution types is the ability to distribute your Web documents as a PDF file.
To The Right People, Through Different Channels, At The Right Time – New Distribution Types
Broadcast to the Printer: This option allows you to broadcast to any printer based on Post Script (PS), Printer Common Language (PSL) or PDF. Printers can be set up in the SAP NetWeaver Application Server under Tools > CCMS > Print. The user's default printer can be set up in the user profile as well.
Broadcast Email (Bursting): This option allows you to broadcast user-specific data based on the master data attributes stored in BI. Rather than requiring the BEx Broadcaster user to specify a distribution list, the system determines the recipients from the information available in the master data. Additionally, the recipient does not have to be a user in SAP NetWeaver 2004s to see only their “own” data, the system determines this from the definition in the system. For example, the cost center manager is assigned to the cost center in the system and therefore will receive only the data for that cost center.
Broadcast According to Exceptions: Exception broadcasting is now configured in the BEx Broadcaster. Exceptions are defined in the BEx Query Designer as before, and then the Broadcast According to Exceptions distribution type is selected in the BEx Broadcaster. The user then has a choice of a subordinate distribution type, for example, to send an email, send the exception to the portal, or create an alert. Further definition includes whether to initiate a broadcast if any exception occurs or if only a specific level of exception occurs. When the exception report is processed (on an ad-hoc, scheduled or event-driven basis), if an exception or specified exception level is identified, the broadcast will be triggered.
In the create an alert option, the BEx Broadcaster is integrated with the Central Alert Framework of the SAP NetWeaver AS and the Universal Worklist (UWL) of the SAP NetWeaver Portal. This allows central management of all alerts, from both BI and other sources, as well as a single point of access for the end user to alerts and other workflow tasks.
Broadcast (Multi-Channel): You can use this distribution type to create a setting that simultaneously broadcasts to email, to the portal and to the printer.
Other: Other new distribution types are Fill Precalculation Store, Precalculate Value Set, Fill OLAP Cache, and Fill MDX Cache. These distribution types allow the BEx Broadcaster to replace the functions of the Reporting Agent. (Old Reporting Agent scenarios still run in SAP NetWeaver 2004s. However, the Reporting Agent will not be developed any further and is removed from the SAP NetWeaver 2004s Data Warehousing Workbench. You can now only reach the Reporting Agent using transaction code REPORTING_AGENT.) The Fill Precalculation Store distribution type allows you to precalculate Web templates, and the Precalculate Value Set option you to fill pre-calculated value set variables with values for characteristic values. The pre-calculated value sets are then available as variable values in BEx queries. With the Fill OLAP Cache, and Fill MDX Cache distribution types, you can warm up the OLAP and MDX cache with BEx queries.

SAP Bw Interview Questions With IBM/HP

1)How we do the SD and MM configuration for BW ?
You need to activate the data sources in R3 system.
You need to maintain the login information for the logical system.sm59 : Choose the RFC destination , BW system, Under logon Security, maintain the user credentials.
Maintain control parameters for data transfer.
Filling in of setup tables SBIW
I feel that these are certain prerequisites.
From an SD perspective, you as a BW consultant should first understand the basic SD process flow on the R3 side. (search the forum for SD process flow and you'll get a wealth of information on the flow and the tables as well as transactions involved in SD).
Next you need to understand the process flow that has been implemented at the clients place. How the SD data flows and what are the integration points with other modules as well as how the integration happens.
This knowledge is essential when modeling your BW design.

From a BW perspective you need to first know all the SD extractors and what information they bring. Next look at all the cubes and ODS for SD.

1. What is the t-code to see log of transport connection?
in RSA1 -> Transport Connection you can collect the Queries and the Role and after this you can transport them (enabling the transport in SE10, import it in STMS
1. RSA1
2. Transport connection (button on the left bar menu)
3. Sap transport -> Object Types (button on the left bar menu)
4. Find Query Elements -> Query
5. Find your query
6. Group necessery object
7. Transport Object (car icon)
8. Release transport (SE10 T-code)
9. load transport (STMS T-code)

2.Lo; mm inventory data source with marker significance?
Marker is as like check point when u upload the data from inventory data source
2lis_03_bx data source for current stock and BF for movement type
after uploading data from BX u should rlise the request in cube or i menn to say compress it then load data from another data source BF and set this updated data to no marker update so marker is use as a check point if u dont do this u getting data missmatch at bex level bcz system get confuse .
(2LIS_03_BF Goods Movement From Inventory Management-- -----Unckeck the no marker update tab)
(2LIS_03_BX Stock Initialization for Inventory Management-- ---select the no marker update check box)
2LIS_03_UM Revaluations ----Uncheck the no marker update tab) in the infopackege of "collaps"

3. How can you navigate to see the error idocs ?
If it is fine check the IDOCs in source system go to BD87->give Ur user ID and date->execute->you can find Red status Idocs select the erroneous Idoc-> and select Manual process.

You need to Reprocess this IDOC which are RED. For this you can take help of Any of your Team (ALE IDOC Team or BAsis Team)Or Else
youcan push it manually. Just search it in bd87 screen only to Reprocess.
Also, Try to find why this IDocs are stuck there.

4)Difference between v1, v2, v3 jobs in extraction?

V1 Update: when ever we create a transaction in R/3(e.g.,Sales Order) then the entries get into the R/3 Tables(VBAK, VBAP..) and this takes place in V1 Update.
V2 Update: V2 Update starts a few seconds after V1 Update and in this update the values get into Statistical Tables, from where we do the extraction into BW.
V3 Update: Its purely for BW extraction.
But in the Document below, V1, V2 and V3 are defined in a different way. Can You please explain me in detial what exactly V1, V2 and V3 updates means?

5.What are statistical update and document update?
Synchronous Updating (V1 Update)
The statistics update is made synchronously with the document update.
While updating, if problems that result in the termination of the
statistics update occur, the original documents are NOT saved. The cause
of the termination should be investigated and the problem solved.
Subsequently, the documents can be entered again.
Radio button: V2 updating

6.Do you have any idea how to improve the performance of the BW..?
Asynchronous Updating (V2 Update)
With this update type, the document update is made separately from the statistics update. A termination of the statistics update has NO influence on the document update (see V1 Update).
Radio button: Updating in U3 update program
Asynchronous Updating (V3 Update)
With this update type, updating is made separately from the document update. The difference between this update type and the V2 Update lies,however, with the time schedule. If the V3 update is active, then the update can be executed at a later time.

In contrast to V1 and V2 Updates, no single documents are updated. The V3 update is, therefore, also described as a collective update.

7)How can you decide the query performance is slow or fast ?
You can check that in RSRT tcode.
execute the query in RSRT and after that follow the below steps
Goto SE16 and in the resulting screen give table name as RSDDSTAT for BW 3.x and RSDDSTAT_DM for BI 7.0 and press enteryou can view all the details about the query like time taken to execute the query and the timestmaps

8)What is statistical setup and what is the need and why?
Follow these steps to filling the set up table.

1. Go to transaction code RSA3 and see if any data is available related to your DataSource. If data is there in RSA3 then go to transaction code LBWG (Delete Setup data) and delete the data by entering the application name.
2. Go to transaction SBIW --> Settings for Application Specific Datasource --> Logistics --> Managing extract structures --> Initialization --> Filling the Setup table --> Application specific setup of statistical data --> perform setup (relevant application)
3. In OLI*** (for example OLI7BW for Statistical setup for old documents : Orders) give the name of the run and execute. Now all the available records from R/3 will be loaded to setup tables.
4. Go to transaction RSA3 and check the data.
5. Go to transaction LBWE and make sure the update mode for the corresponding DataSource is serialized V3 update.
6. Go to BW system and create infopackage and under the update tab select the initialize delta process. And schedule the package. Now all the data available in the setup tables are now loaded into the data target.
7. Now for the delta records go to LBWE in R/3 and change the update mode for the corresponding DataSource to Direct/Queue delta. By doing this record will bypass SM13 and directly go to RSA7. Go to transaction code RSA7 there you can see green light # Once the new records are added immediately you can see the record in RSA7.
8. Go to BW system and create a new infopackage for delta loads. Double click on new infopackage. Under update tab you can see the delta update radio button..
9. Now you can go to your data target and see the delta record.

9.Why we have construct setup tables?
The R/3 database structure for accounting is much more easier than the Logistical structure.
Once you post in a ledger that is done. You can correct, but that give just another posting.
BI can get information direct out of this (relatively) simple database structure.
In LO, you can have an order with multiple deliveries to more than one delivery addresses. And the payer can also be different.
When 1 item (orderline) changes, this can have its reflection on order, supply, delivery, invoice, etc.
Therefore a special record structure is build for Logistical reports.and this structure now is used for BI.
In order to have this special structre filled with your starting position, you must run a set-up. from that moment on R/3 will keep filling this LO-database.
If you wouldn't run the setup. BI would start with data from the moment you start the filling of LO (with the logistica cocpit)

10.How can you eliminate the duplicate records in TD, MD?
Try to check the system logs through SM21 for the same.

11.What use marker in MM?
Marker update is just like check point.
ie it will give the snapshot of the stock on a particular date ie when was the marker updated.
Because we are using Noncumulative keyfigure it will lot of time to calculate the current stock for example at report time. to overcome this we use marker update
Marker updates do not summarize the data.. In inventory management scenarios, we have to calculate opening stock and closing stock on a daily basis. In order to facilitate this, we set a marker which will add and subtract the values for each record.
In the absence of marker update, the data will be added up and will not provide the correct values.

12.Tell me web template?
You get information on where the web template details are stored from the following tables :
RSZWOBJ Storage of the Web Objects
RSZWOBJTXT Texts for Templates/Items/ Views
RSZWOBJXREF Structure of the BW Objects in a Template

RSZWTEMPLATE Header Table for BW HTML Templates
You can check these tables and search for your web template entry . However, If I understand your question correctly , you will have to open the template in the WAD and then make the corrections in the same to correct it.

13.What is dashboard?
A dash board can be created using the web application Designer (WAD) or the visual composer (VC). A dashboard is just a collection of reports, views and links etc in a single view. For e.g. igoogle is a dashboard.

A dashboard is a graphical reporting interface, which displays KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) as charts and graphs. A dashboard is a performance management system

When we look at the all organization measures how they are performing with helicopter view, we need a report that teaches and shows the trend in a graphical display quickly. These reports are called as Dashboard Reports, still we can report these measures individually, but by keeping all measures in a single page, we are creating single access point to the users to view all information available to them. Absolutely this will save lot of precious time, gives clarity on decision that needs to be taken, helps the users to understand the measure(s) trend with business flow creating dashboard
Dashboards : Could be built with Visual Composer & WAD
create your dashboard in BW,

(1) Create all BEx Queries with required variants,tune them perfectly.
(2) Differentiate table queries and graph queries.
(3) Choose the graph type required that meet your requirement.
(4) Draw the layout how the Dashboard page looks like.
(5) Create a web template that has navigational block / selection information.
(6) Keep navigational block fields are common across the measures.
(7) Include the relevant web items into web template.
(8) Deploy the URL/Iview to users through portal/intranet

The steps to be followed in the creation of Dashboard using WAD are summarized as below:

1) Open a New Web template in WAD.
2) Define the tabular layout as per the requirements so as to embed the necessary web items.
3) Place the appropriate web items in the appropriate tabular grids
4) Assign queries to the web items (A Query assigned to a web item is called as a data provider)
5) Care should be taken to ensure that the navigation block’s selection parameters are common across all the BEx queries of the affected dataproviders.
6) Properties of the individual web items are to be set as per the requirements. They can be modified in Properties window or in the HTML code.
7) The URL when this web template is executed should be used in the portal/intranet

14.How can you solve the data mismatch tickets between r/3 and bw?
Check the mapping at BW side for 0STREET in transfer rules.Check the data in PSA for the same field.If the PSA is also doesn't have complete data then check the field in RSA3 in source system.

15. What is thumb rule?

16)What is replacement path tell me one scenario? solutions. com/documents/ SDS_BW_Replaceme nt%20Path% 20Variables. html

17.What is difference between PSA & IDOC?

BI7 is PSA used only for Data load from Source System into BW

18). what we do in Business Blue Print Stage?
SAP has defined a business blueprint phase to help extract pertinent information about your company that is necessary for implementation. These blueprints are in the form of questionnaires that are designed to probe for information that uncovers how your company does business. As such, they also serve to document the implementation. Each business blueprint document essentially outlines your future business processes and business requirements. The kinds of questions asked are germane to the particular business function, as seen inthe following sample questions:1) What information do you capture on a purchase order?2) What information is required to complete a purchase order?Accelerated SAP question and answer database:The question and answer database (QADB) is a simple although aging tool designed to facilitate the creation and maintenance of your business blueprint.This database stores the questions and the answers and serves as the heart of your blue print. Customers are provided with a customer input template for each application that collects the data. The question and answer format is standard across applications to facilitate easier use by the project team.Issues database: Another tool used in the blueprinting phase is the issues database. Thisdatabase stores any open concerns and pending issues that relate to the implementation. Centrally storing this information assists in gathering and then managing issues to resolution, so that important matters do not fall through the cracks. You can then track the issues in database, assign them to teammembers, and update the database accordingly.

19). How do we gather the requirements for an Implementation Project?
One of the biggest and most important challenges in any implementation is gathering and understanding the end user and process team functional requirements. These functional requirements represent the scope of analysis needs and expectations (both now and in the future) of the end user. These typically involve all of the following:- Business reasons for the project and business questions answered by the implementation- Critical success factors for the implementation- Source systems that are involved and the scope of information needed from each- Intended audience and stakeholders and their analysis needs- Any major transformation that is needed in order to provide the information- Security requirements to prevent unauthorized useThis process involves one seemingly simple task: Find out exactly what theend users' analysis requirements are, both now and in the future, and buildthe BW system to these requirements. Although simple in concept, in practicegathering and reaching a clear understanding and agreement on a complete setof BW functional requirements is not always so simple.

20) How do we decide what cubes has to be created?
Its depends on your project requirement. Customized cubes are not mandatory for all the projects. If your bussines requirement is differs from given scenario ( BI content cubes ) then only we will opt for customized cubes.Normally your BW customization or creation of new info providers all are depending on your source system.If your source system other that R3 then you should go with customization of your all objects.If your source system is R3 and your users are using only R3 standard business scenarios like SD,MM or FI... etc., then you dont want to create any info providers or you dont want to enhance any thing in the existing BW Business Content. But 99% this is not possible. Because surely they should have included their new business scenario or new enhancements.For example, In my first project we implemented for Solution Manager BW implemention. There we have activated all the business content in CRM. But the source system have new scenarios for message escalation, ageing calculation etc., According their business scenrio we could't use standard business content. For that we have taken only existing info objects and created new info objects which are not there in the business content. After that we have created custom data source to info providers as well asreports.

21) Who used to make the Technical and Functional Specifications?
Technical Specification:Here we will mention all the BW objects (info objects, data sources, info sources and info providers). Then we are going to say the data flow and behaviour of the data load (either delta or full) also we can tell the duration of the cube activation or creation. Pure BW technical things are available in this document. This is not for End users document.Functional Specification:Here we will describe the business requirements. That means here we are going to say which are all business we are implementing like SD, MM and FI etc., then we are going to tell the KPI and deliverable reports detail to the users. This document is going to mingle with both Function Consultants and Business Users. This document is applicable for end users also.
22) Give me one example of a Functional Specification and explain what information we will get from that?
Functional Specs are requirements of the business user.Technical Specs translate these requirements in a technical fashion.Let's say Functional Spec says,1. the user should be able to enter the Key date, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Version.2. The Company variable should be defaulted to USA but then if the user wants to change it, they can check the drop down list and choose other countries.3. The calculations or formulas for the report will be displayed in precision of one decimal point.4. The report should return values for 12 months of data depending on the fiscal year that the user enters Or it should display in quarterly values. Functional specs are also called as Software requirements.Now from this Techinal Spec follows, to resolve each of the line items listed above.1. To give the option of key date, Fiscal year and Fiscal Version – certain Info Obejcts should be availble in the system. If available, then should we create any variables for them - so that they are used as user entry variable. To create any varaibles, what is the approch, where do you do it, what is the technical of the objects you'll use, what'll be the technical name of the objects you'll crete as a result of this report.2. Same explanation goes for the rest. How do you set up the varaible,
3. What changes in properties willu do to get the precision.4. How will you get the 12 months of data.What will be the technical and display name of the report, who'll be authorized to run this report, etc are clearly specified in the technical specs.

23) What is Customization? How do we do in LO?

How to do basic LO extraction for SAP-R3-BW1. Go to transaction code RSA3 and see if any data is available related to your DataSource. If data is there in RSA3 then go to transaction code LBWG (Delete Setup data) and delete the data by entering the application name.2. Go to transaction SBIW --> Settings for Application Specific Datasource --> Logistics --> Managing extract structures --> Initialization --> Filling the Setup table --> Application specific setup of statistical data --> perform setup (relevant application)3. In OLI*** (for example OLI7BW for Statistical setup for old documents : Orders) give the name of the run and execute. Now all the available records from R/3 will be loaded to setup tables.4. Go to transaction RSA3 and check the data.5. Go to transaction LBWE and make sure the update mode for the corresponding DataSource is serialized V3 update.6. Go to BW system and create infopackage and under the update tab select the initialize delta process. And schedule the package. Now all the data available in the setup tables are now loaded into the data target.7.Now for the delta records go to LBWE in R/3 and change the update mode for the corresponding DataSource to Direct/Queue delta. By doing this record will bypass SM13 and directly go to RSA7. Go to transaction code RSA7 there you can see green light # Once the new records are added immediately you can see the record in RSA7.

24) When we use Maintain Data Source, What we do? What we will maintain?
Go to BW system and create a new infopackage for delta loads. Double click on new infopackage. Under update tab you can see the delta update radio button.

25) Tickets and Authorization in SAP Business Warehouse What is tickets? And example?
Tickets are the tracking tool by which the user will track the work which we do. It can be a change requests or data loads or what ever. They will of types critical or moderate. Critical can be (Need to solve in 1 day or half a day) depends on the client. After solving the ticket will be closed by informing the client that the issue is solved. Tickets are raised at the time of support project these may be any issues, problems.... .etc. If the support person faces any issues then he will ask/request to operator to raise a ticket.
Operator will raise a ticket and assign it to the respective person. Critical means it is most complicated issues ....depends how you measure this...hope it helps. The concept of Ticket varies from contract to contract in between companies. Generally Ticket raised by the client can be considered based on the priority. Like High Priority, Low priority and so on. If a ticket is of high priority it has to be resolved ASAP. If the ticket is of low> priority it must be considered only after attending to high priority tickets. The typical tickets in a production Support work could be: 1. Loading any of the missing master data attributes/texts. 2. Create ADHOC hierarchies. 3. Validating the data in Cubes/ODS. 4. If any of the loads runs into errors then resolve it. 5. Add/remove fields in any of the master data/ODS/Cube. 6. Data source Enhancement. 7. Create ADHOC reports.
1. Loading any of the missing master data attributes/texts - This would be done by scheduling the infopackages for the attributes/texts mentioned by the client. 2. Create ADHOC hierarchies. - Create hierarchies in RSA1 for the info-object. 3. Validating the data in Cubes/ODS. - By using the Validation reports or by comparing BW data with R/3. 4. If any of the loads runs into errors then resolve it. - Analyze the error and take suitable action. 5. Add/remove fields in any of the master data/ODS/Cube. - Depends upon the requirement 6. Data source Enhancement. 7. Create ADHOC reports. - Create some new reports based on the requirement of client.

26) Change attribute run.
Generally attribute change run is used when there is any change in the master is used for realingment of the master data..Attribute change run is nothing but adjusting the master data after its been loaded from time to time so that it can change or generate or adjust the sid's so that u may not have any problem when loading the trasaction data in to data targets.the detail explanation about Attribute change run.The hierarchy/attribute change run which activates hierarchy and attribute changes and adjusts the corresponding aggregates is devided, into 4 phases:1. Finding all affected aggregates2. set up all affected aggregates again and write the result in the new aggregate table.3. Activating attributes and hierarchies4. rename the new aggregate table. When renaming, it is not possible to execute queries. In some databases, which cannot rename the indexes, the indexes are also created in this phase.
27) Different types of Delta updates?
Delta loads will bring any new or changed records after the last upload.This method is used for better loading in less time. Most of the std SAP data sources come as delta enabled, but some are not. In this case you can do a full load to the ODS and then do a delta from the ODS to the cube. If you create generic datasources, then you have the option of creating a delta onCalday, timestamp or numeric pointer fields (this can be doc number, etc).You'll be able to see the delta changes coming in the delta queue through RSA7 on the R3 side.To do a delta, you first have to initialize the delta on the BW side and then set up the delta.The delta mechanism is the same for both Master data and Transaction data loads.============ ========= ==There are three deltasDirect Delta: With this update mode, the extraction data is transferred with each document posting directly into the BW delta queue. In doing so, each document posting with delta extraction is posted for exactly one LUW in the respective BW delta queues.Queued Delta: With this update mode, the extraction data is collected for the affected application instead of being collected in an extraction queue, and can be transferred as usual with the V3 update by means of an updating collective run into the BW delta queue. In doing so, up to 10000 deltaextractions of documents for an LUW are compressed for each Data Source into the BW delta queue, depending on the application.Non-serialized V3 Update: With this update mode, the extraction data for the application considered is written as before into the update tables with the help of a V3 update module. They are kept there as long as the data is selected through an updating collective run and are processed. However, in contrast to the current default settings (serialized V3 update), the data in the updating collective run are thereby read without regard to sequence from the update tables and are transferred to the BW delta queue.
28) Function modules;1) UNIT_CONVERSION_ SIMPLE and2) MD_CONVERT_MATERIAL _UNITexplain how to use these things, if possible with a well explained example.
The conversion of units of measure is required to convert business measurements into other units. Business measurements encompass physical measurements which are either assigned to a dimension or are nondimensional. Nondimensional measurements are understood as countable measurements(palette, unit..).You differentiate between conversions for which you only need to enter a source and target unit in order to perform conversion and conversions for which specifying these values alone is not sufficient. For the latter, you have to enter a conversion factor which is derived from a characteristic ora characteristic combination (compound characteristic) and the corresponding properties....1. Measurements of lengthConversions within the same dimension ID (T006-DIMID) – for example, length:1 m = 100 cm (linear correlation)*Meter* and *Centimeter* both belong to dimension ID LENGTH.2. Measurements of number associated with measurements of weightConversions involving different dimension IDs – for example, number andweight.1 unit = 25 g (linear correlation)*Unit* has dimension ID AAAADL and *Gram* has dimension ID MASS.ExampleNumber

Unit Number Unit1
Chocolate bar 25 g1 Small carton 12 Chocolate bar1 Large carton 20 Small carton1 Europallet 40 Large carton* Quantity Conversion*
<>* *UseQuantity conversion allows you to convert key figures with units that have different units of measure in the source system into a uniform unit of measure in the BI system.FeaturesThis function enables the conversion of updated data records from the source unit of measure into a target unit of measure, or into different target units of measure, if the conversion is repeated. In terms of functionality, quantity conversion is structured similarly to currency translation.In part it is based on the quantity conversion functionality in SAP NetWeaver Application Server. Simple conversions can be performed between units of measure that belong to the same dimension (such as meters to kilometers, kilograms to grams). You can also perform InfoObject-specific conversions (for example, two palettes (PAL) of material 4711 were ordered and this order quantity has to be converted to the stock quantity *Carton*(CAR) ).Quantity conversion is based on quantity conversion types. The business transaction rules of the conversion are established in the quantity conversion type. The conversion type is a combination of different parameters (conversion factors, source and target units of measure) that determine how the conversion is performed. For more information, see QuantityConversion Types<>.IntegrationThe quantity conversion type is stored for future use and is available for quantity conversions in the transformation rules for InfoCubes and in the Business Explorer:In the transformation rules for InfoCubes you can specify, for each key figure or data field, whether quantity conversion is performed during the update. In certain cases you can also run quantity conversion in user-defined routines in the transformation rules..In the Business Explorer you can:● Establish a quantity conversion in the query definition.● Translate quantities at query runtime. Translation is more limitedhere than in the query definition.[image: This graphic is explained in the accompanying text]*Quantity Conversion Types*<>DefinitionA quantity conversion type is a combination of different parameters that establish how the conversion is performed. StructureThe parameters that determine the conversion factors are the source and target unit of measure and the option you choose for determining the conversion factors.The decisive factor in defining a conversion type is the way in which you want conversion factors to be determined. Entering source and target quantities is optional.Conversion FactorsThe following options are available:· Using a reference InfoObjectThe system tries to determine the conversion factors from the reference InfoObject you have chosen or from the associated quantity DataStore object.If you want to convert 1000 grams into kilograms but the conversion factors are not defined in the quantity DataStore object, the system cannot perform the conversion, even though this is a very simple conversion.· Using central units of measure (T006)Conversion can only take place if the source unit of measure and target unit of measure belong to the same dimension (for example, meters to kilometers, kilograms to grams, and so on).· Using reference InfoObject if available, central units of measure (T006) if notThe system tries to determine the conversion factors using the quantity DataStore object you have defined. If the system finds conversion factors, it uses these to perform the calculation. If the system cannot determine conversion factors from the quantity DataStore object it tries again usingthe central units of measure.· Using central units of measure (T006) if available, reference InfoObject if notThe system tries to find the conversion factors in the central units of measure table. If the system finds conversion factors it uses these to perform the conversion. If the system cannot determine conversion factors from the central units of measure it tries to find conversion factors that match the attributes of the data record by looking in the quantity DataStore object.The settings that you can make in this regard affect performance and the decision must be strictly based on the data set. If you only want to perform conversions within the same dimension, option 2 is most suitable.If you are performing InfoObject-specific conversions (for example, material-specific conversions) between units that do not belong to the same dimension, option 1 is most suitable.In both cases, the system only accesses one database table. That table contains the conversion factors.With option 3 and option 4, the system tries to determine conversion factors at each stage. If conversion factors are not found in the basic table (T006), the system searches again in the quantity DataStore object, or in reverse.The option you choose should depend on how you want to spread the conversion. If the source unit of measure and target unit of measure belong to the same dimension for 80% of the data records that you want to convert, first try to determine factors using the central units of measure (option4), and accept that the system will have to search in the second table also for the remaining 20%.The *Conversion Factor from InfoObject *option (as with *Exchange Rate from InfoObject* in currency translation types) is only available when you load data. The key figure you enter here has to exist in the InfoProvider and the attribute this key figure has in the data record is taken as the conversionfactor.Source Unit of MeasureThe source unit of measure is the unit of measure that you want to convert. The source unit of measure is determined dynamically from the data record or from a specified InfoObject (characteristic) . In addition, you can specify a fixed source unit of measure or determine the source unit of measure using avariable.When converting quantities in the Business Explorer, the source unit of measure is always determined from the data record.During the data load process the source unit of measure can be determined either from the data record or using a specified characteristic that bears master data.You can use a fixed source unit of measure in planning functions. Data records are converted that have the same unit key as the source unit of measure.The values in input help correspond to the values in table T006 (units of measure).You reach the maintenance for the unit of measure in *SAP Customizing Implementation Guide* (r) *SAP NetWeaver *(r) *General Settings* (r) *Check Units of Measure*.In reporting, you can use a source unit of measure from a variable. The variables that have been defined for InfoObject 0UNIT are used.
Target Unit of MeasureYou have the following options for determining the target unit of measure:· You can enter a fixed target unit of measure in the quantityconversion type (for example, 'UNIT').· You can specify an InfoObject in the quantity conversion type that is used to determine the target unit of measure during the conversion. This is not the same as defining currency attributes where you determine a currency attribute on the *Business Explorer* tab page in characteristic maintenance. With quantity conversion types you determine the InfoObject in the quantity conversion type itself. Under *InfoObject for Determining Unit of Measure*, all InfoObjects are listed that have at least one attribute of type *Unit*. You have to select one of these attributes as the corresponding quantity attribute.· Alternatively, you can determine that the target unit of measure be determined during the conversion. In the Query Designer under the properties for the relevant key figure, you specify either a fixed target unit of measure or a variable to determine the target unit of measure.· Target quantity using InfoSetThis setting covers the same functionality as *InfoObject for Determining Target Quantity*. If the InfoObject that you want to use to determine the target quantity is unique in the InfoSet (it only occurs once in the whole InfoSet), you can enter the InfoObject under *InfoObject for DeterminingTarget Quantity*.You only have to enter the InfoObject in *Target Quantity Using InfoSet* if you want to determine the target quantity using an InfoObject but that occurs more than once in the InfoSet.The InfoSet contains InfoProviders A and B and both A and B contain InfoObject X with a quantity attribute. In this case you have to specify exactly whether you want to use X from A or X from B to determine the target quantity. Field aliases are used in an InfoSet to ensure uniqueness.All the active InfoSets in the system can be displayed using input help. As long as you have selected an InfoSet, you can select an InfoObject. All the InfoObjects with quantity attributes contained in the InfoSet can be displayed using input help.
29) An SAP BW functional consultant is responsible for the following: Key responsibilities include:
Maintain project plans Manage all project activities, many of which are executed by resources not directly managed by the project leader (central BW development team, source system developer, business key users) Liase with key users to agree reporting requirements, report designs Translate requirements into design specifications( report specs, data mapping / translation, functional specs) Write and execute test plans and scripts .
Coordinate and manage business / user testing Deliver training to key users Coordinate and manage product ionization and rollout activities Track CIP (continuous improvement) requests, work with users to prioritize, plan and manage CIP An SAP BW technical consultant is responsible for:SAP BW extraction using standard data extractor and available development tools for SAP and non-SAP data sources. -SAP ABAP programming with BWData modeling, star schema, master data, ODS and cube design in BWData loading process and procedures (performance tuning)Query and report development using Bex Analyzer and Query DesignerWeb report development using Web Application.

29. Production support
In production support there will be two kind jobs which you will be doing mostly 1, looking into the data load errors. 2, solving the tickets raised by the user. Data loading involves monitoring process chains, solving the errors related to data load, other than this you will also be doing some enhancements to the present cubes and master data but that done on requirement. User will raise a ticket when they face any problem with the query, like report showing wrong values incorrect data etc.if the system response is slow or if the query run time is high. Normally the production support activities include * Scheduling * R/3 Job Monitoring * B/W Job Monitoring * Taking corrective action for failed data loads. * Working on some tickets with small changes in reports or in AWB objects. The activities in a typical Production Support would be as follows: 1.Data Loading - could be using process chains or manual loads. 2. Resolving urgent user issues - helpline activities 3. Modifying BW reports as per the need of the user. 4. Creating aggregates in Prod system 5. Regression testing when version/patch upgrade is done. 6. Creating adhoc hierarchies. We can perform the daily activities in Production 1. monitoring Dataload failures thru RSMO 2. Monitoring Process Chains Daily/weekly/ monthly 3. Perform Change run Hirerachy 4. Check Aggr's Rollup.

30) How to convert a BeX query Global structure to local structure (Steps involved)
BeX query Global structure to local structureSteps; ***a local structure when you want to add structure elements that are unique to the specific query. Changing the global structure changes the structure for all the queries that use the global structure. That is reason you go for a local structure.Coming to the navigation part--In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose the open query icon (icon tht looks like a folder) On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:Choose Queries.Select the desired InfoCubeChoose New.On the Define the query screen:In the left frame, expand the Structure node.Drag and drop the desired structure into either the Rows or Columnsframe.Select the global structure.Right-click and choose Remove reference.A local structure is created.Remember that you cannot revert back the changes made to global structure inthis regard. You will have to delete the local structure and then drag ndrop global structure into query definition.*When you try to save a global structure, a dialogue box prompts you tocomfirm changes to all queries. that is how you identify a global structure*

31) What is the use of Define cell in BeX & where it is useful?
Cell in BEX:::Use*When you define selection criteria and formulas for structural components and there are two structural components of a query, generic cell definitions are created at the intersection of the structural components that determine the values to be presented in the cell.Cell-specific definitions allow you to define explicit formulas, along with implicit cell definition, and selection conditions for cells and in this way, to override implicitly created cell values. This function allows you to design much more detailed queries.In addition, you can define cells that have no direct relationship to the structural components. These cells are not displayed and serve as containers for help selections or help need two structures to enable cell editor in bex. In every query you have one structure for key figures, then you have to do another structure with selections or formulas inside.Then having two structures, the cross among them results in a fix reporting area of n rows * m columns. The cross of any row with any column can be defined as formula in cell editor.This is useful when you want to any cell had a diferent behaviour that the general one described in your query defininion.For example imagine you have the following where % is a formula kfB/KfA *100.kfA kfB %chA 6 4 66%chB 10 2 20%chC 8 4 50%Then you want that % for row chC was the sum of % for chA and % chB. Then in cell editor you are enable to write a formula specifically for that cell as sum of the two cell before. chC/% = chA/% + chB/% then:kfA kfB %chA 6 4 66%chB 10 2 20%chC 8 4 86%
Manager Round Review Questions.

32) What is SAP GUI and what use of it?
AP Graphic User Interface:
SAP GUI is the GUI client in SAP R/3's 3-tier architecture of database, application server and client. It is software that runs on a Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh or Unix desktop, and allows a user to access SAP functionality in SAP applications such as mySAP ERP and SAP Business Information Warehouse (now called SAP Business Intelligence).
You need the SAP GUI to log on to and to use the SAP systems. Check also

33) What is the RMS Application?
SAP Records Management is a component of the SAP Web Application Server for the electronic management of records and even paper-based information can be part of the electronic record in the SAP RMS. Other advantages of using SAP Records Management compared to other providers of record-based solutions:Records Management is a solution for the electronic management of records. The RMS divides various business units logically thereby making it possible to provide particular groups of users with access to particular records, as needed within their business processes.
Quick access to information is a key factor for performing business successfully. Records Management guarantees this quick access. In one record, all information objects of a business transaction are grouped together in a transparent hierarchical structure. By converting paper records to electronic records, an organisation can enjoy all the advantages of a paper-free office: No storage costs for records, no cost-intensive copying procedures, and optimal retrieval of information.
However, SAP Records Management not only provides an electronic representation of the conventional paper record.

34) Bug resolution for the RMS Application?

35) Development tasks for RMS release work?
The main task isComplete life cycle development of SAP Authorization Roles . This includes participating in the high level, low level, RMS's and technical development of the roles.

36) What is BP Master Data?

BP Master data is nothing but Business partner data used in CRM Master tables
describe the BP Master Data tables, Authorization Objects
A.Basic Table : BUT000 Steps to view this tables:Go to TX (tcode) se16 , specify the table u want ot view in this case is But000 and click on the icon table contents (or enter) and u can find the entries by giving a selection or view the total no of entries.
You can't set an automatic code for BPs. However, you could use a formatted search to bring up the next code, provided that the code you are using has a logical sequence. You can assign this formatted search to the BP Code field and then the user can trigger it (Shift-F2) when they are creating a new BP. If you want to have a separate range for each BP type then the user needs to set the BP type field before using the formatted search.
I've also included this kind of function in an add-on. In this case, the query is still the same but the user leaves the BP Code field blank and the add-on will populate it when the user clicks on the Add button.
Process Flow:1. Configure application components in SAP Solution Manager.In the Business Blueprint, transactions can already be assigned for process steps from the reference model. You can also assign transactions to any additional processes and steps you have defined, and thereby specify how your business processes are to run in the SAP system. Furthermore, you can also edit the Implementation Guide.
2. Use metadata (PI).You specify the necessary metadata for your integration requirements, such as data types, message interfaces, mappings, and so on.
3. Configure integration scenario and integration process (PI).You adapt the defined integration scenarios and integration processes to your specific system landscape. In doing so, you specify, for example, collaboration profiles (communication party, service and communication channel). You can use wizards for the configuration.
Tools used for business process:1. BPM2. ARIS etc.
Business Process Management with SAP NetWeaver and ARIS for SAP NetWeaver provides procedure models, methods, technologies and reference content for modeling, configuring, executing and monitoring these business processes.
Process ModelingA process model is an abstraction of a process and describes all the aspects of the process:· Activities: steps that are executed within the process· Roles: users or systems that execute the activities· Artifacts: objects, such as business documents, for example, that are processed by the process
Processes within a company can be modeled on multiple abstraction levels and from numerous different viewpoints. To implement and utilize innovative processes and strategies successfully, you must convert business process views into technical views and relate both views. Typically, different individuals or departments within a company are responsible for modeling processes from the business and technical perspectives. A deciding factor for the success of business process modeling is, therefore, that all those involved have a common understanding of the business processes and “speak the same language”.
Business Process Management in SAP NetWeaver provides a common methodology for all levels of process modeling. This common methodology forms a common reference framework for all project participants and links models for multiple abstraction levels:· Business process models describe the process map and process architecture of a company – from value chain diagrams and event-driven process chains, right up to end-to-end processes. · Process configuration models support the process-driven configuration and implementation of processes.· Process execution models support service-based process execution

37) Describe the BP Master Data, Authorization Objects?
Authorization Objects:
SAP R/3 Authorization ConceptFundamental to SAP R/3 security is the authorization concept. To get an understanding of SAP R/3 security, one needs to thoroughly understand the authorization concept. The authorization concept allows the assignment of broad or finely defined authorizations/permissions for system access. Several authorizations may be required to perform a task such as creating a material master record. Based upon design, these authorizations can be limited to:
Access to the transaction code (TCODE) to create a material master Access to specific material Authorization to work in a particular plant in the system Authorization ObjectAuthorization objects can best be described as locks that limit access to SAP R/3 system objects, such as programs, TCODES and data entry screens. Depending on the SAP R/3 version, there are approximately 800 standard authorizations.
There can be 10 fields in an authorization object, but all 10 fields are not used in all objects. The most common field in an authorization object is the activity field. These are predefined activity codes that reside in a table named TACT. Examples of activity are "01" create or generate, "02" change, "03" read, "04" print or edit message, and "06" delete. The next most common field is an organization field, such as company code or plant.
Authorization objects are classified and cataloged in the system based upon functionality, such as FI (financial accounting) or HR (human resources). These classifications are called object classes.
Developers and programmers can create new authorization objects through the developers' workbench called ABAP Workbench in SAP R/3. ABAP/4 is a 4GL (fourth-generation programming language) that was used to develop all SAP R/3 applications. It stands for Advanced Business Application Programming Language.
AuthorizationsAuthorizations are the keys that can open the authorization objects, and they contain the specific information for field values. For instance, an authorization contains a specific set of values for one or all the fields of a particular authorization object. If a field is not restricted, an authorization will have an asterisk (*) as a field value.
check in following table AGR_TCODES
An example of an authorization is as follows:
Field Value ACTVT (Activity) 01 BUKRS (Company Code) 0010
This particular authorization grants users access to create for company code 0010 the specific object that is locked by the authorization object, such as a purchase order.
The following authorization will grant total access to all the activities for all the company codes:
Field Value ACTVT (Activity) * BUKRS (Company Code) *

38) Tell what is localization?

39) Workflow SAP GUI

40) What is 0Recordmode?
A. it is an info object , 0Record mode is used to identify the delta images in BW which is used in DSO .it is automatically activated when u activate DSO in BW. Like that in R/3 also have field 0cancel. It holds delta images in R/3. When ever u extracting data from R/3 using LO or Generic.. Etc. this field 0Cancel is mapping with 0Record mode in BW. Like this BW identify the Delta images.

41)What is the difference between filter & Restricted Key Figures? Examples & Steps in BI?
Filter restriction applies to entire query. RKF is restriction applied on a keyfigure.Suppose for example, you want to analyse data only after 2006...showing sales in 2007,2008 against Materials..You have got a keyfigure called Sales in your cube
Now you will put global restriction at query level by putting Fiscyear > 2006 in the Filter.This will make only data which have fiscyear >2006 available for query to process or show.
Now to meet your requirement. belowMaterial Sales in 2007 Sales in 2008M1 200 300M2 400 700You need to create two RKF's.Sales in 2007 is one RKF which is defined on keyfigure Sales restricted by Fiscyear = 2007Similarly,Sales in 2008 is one RKF which is defined on Keyfigure Sales restricted by Fiscyear = 2008Now i think u understood the differenceFilter will make the restriction on query level..Like in above case putting filter Fiscyear>2006 willmake data from cube for yeaers 2001,2002,2003, 2004,2005 ,2006 unavailable to the query for showing up.So query is only left with data to be shown from 2007 and 2008.Within that can design your RKF to show only 2007 or something like that...

42)How to create condition and exceptions in Bi.7.0? But I know in Bw3.5 version.?
From a query name or description, you would not be able to judge whether the query is having any exception.There are two ways of finding exception against a query:1. Execute queries one by one, the one which is having background colour as exception reporting are with exceptions.2. Open queries in the BEX Query Designer. If you are finding exception tab at the right side of filter and rows/column tab, the query is having exception.

43)The FI Business Flow related to BW. case studies or scenarios
FI FlowBasically there are 5 major topics/areas in FI,1. GL Accounting -related tables are SKA1, SKB1 Master dataBSIS and BSAS are the Transaction Data2. Account Receivables- related to CustomerAll the SD related data when transfered to FI these are created.Related Tables BSID and BSAD3. Account Payables - related VendorAll the MM related documents data when transfered to FI these are createdRelated Tables BSIK and BSAKAll the above six tables data is present in BKPF and BSEG tablesYou can link these tables with the hlp of BELNR and GJAHR and with Dates also.4. Special Purpose Ledger.. which is rarely used.5. Asset ManagmentIn CO there are Profit center AccountingCost center Accounting will be there.